Hey everyone!

First of all, a very happy new year 2020! I know I am late by ages but I had been a little busy lately. As you might have guessed, I was appointed as a Microsoft Student Partner (MSP) this month. This means, a lot of excitement, fun and responsibilities.

So since I was all decked up with newfound excitement, I was eager to plan an event in my University. In the first week of my tenure as a MSP, I thought hard about how to execute the event, but I seemed to land nowhere. But like they say, when there is a will, there is a way. So eventually, my mind lead me to think of starting a Microsoft club in my college from scratch. I mean, there is a Google club and I got this sudden urge to compete with them. This was a big step. I mean, my university is huge with a lot of students and reaching out to everyone was a tad bit challenging. I told about my idea to my best friend who agreed to join me in this and help. Long story short, I made a group in Microsoft Teams and then we both pulled out our contact lists in our phones and sent some links to our juniors, asking them to join in. I wrote a catchy paragraph along with the link so that people would actually feel tempted to join (I, however, made no false promises and dark marketing; so please don’t think it otherwise!). Alongside, I did researches on what to do as a MSP: I completed a learning path on Azure and I had planned an open event (“The Genesis”) for the first time. I had also made a digital poster as per Microsoft guidelines. Now the only thing left was to book a venue which, thanks to one of my contacts from the university’s business incubator, I got without much effort.

On the day of the event, a good number of people showed up. I was overjoyed. Right away, I commenced what I had planned: a screening interview because I wanted ten members for my team in the club I was forming. Everyone else was warmly welcome in any event that we would organize. But ten core members were needed, as we scaled up.

After the screening, which was score based interview, we moved on to group discussions, which was also evaluated. Clearly, I wanted the best people to be in my team. Post GD, the groups were again divided into four and there was a rapid fire round related to technology and Microsoft, also mark-based. In the end, whichever team won, recieved a beautiful bouquet. I lead the proceedings and my friend helped me. It was fun.

However, the best part about that day was that nobody was bored and people actually texted me personally saying how much they enjoyed! I really felt like flying. Now as I prepare for the next event scheduled for next month, I am glad to say that we are now a team on good terms, with like minded people, and I am giving away t-shirts with MSP logo to them. I’d also be giving away badges (to the members) and certificates (to the attendees). The next event planning is going on full swing and this time, the marketing (non monetized) of this event will be on a bigger scale. We’re basically reaching out to more people.

I am proud that I started new club from scratch with open minded mentality and I hope it’ll scale up more and more in the days to come.


PS: Now I can proudly say that I did something in my college days!

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